How to change file Format for the export process

By default export file format is .CSV, to change the export file format is very easy by copy and paste this code in your theme function.php file.

// Change the export file format into .xls
add_filter( 'wpcie_export_file_format', function(){
	return "xls";
} );

File format that is accepted to change are:

  • xls
  • xlt
  • xla
  • xlw
  • csv

To add additional file format in the accepted list, check the sample code on how to.

// Copy and paste this code in your theme function.php file.
// Adding xltx file format in the list
function my_additional_format_list( $format_list ){
	$format_list[] = 'xltx';
	return $format_list;
add_filter( 'wpcie_export_file_format_list', 'my_additional_format_list' );