How to change shipment document paper size.
Add this to your child theme’s functions.php:
add_filter( 'wpcfe_print_paper_size', 'custom_paper_size_orientation' ); function custom_paper_size_orientation( $sizes ){ //Change size and orientation of Label $sizes['label']['size'] = 'A6'; $sizes['label']['orient'] = 'portrait'; $sizes = array( 'label' => array( 'size' => array(0,0,600,841.89), 'orient' => 'portrait' ),); //Change size and orientation of Invoice $sizes['invoice']['size'] = 'Letter'; $sizes['invoice']['orient'] = 'portrait'; $sizes = array( 'invoice' => array( 'size' => array(0,0,600,841.89), 'orient' => 'portrait' ),); //Change size and orientation of BOL $sizes['bol']['size'] = 'A4'; $sizes['bol']['orient'] = 'portrait'; $sizes = array( 'bol' => array( 'size' => array(0,0,600,841.89), 'orient' => 'portrait' ),); //Change size and orientation of Waybill $sizes['waybill']['size'] = 'A4'; $sizes['waybill']['orient'] = 'landscape'; $sizes = array( 'waybill' => array( 'size' => array(0,0,600,841.89), 'orient' => 'portrait' )); return $sizes; }