How to customize WPCargo Barcode

Sometimes we need to change the barcode based on our site needs, thanks to new filter hooks provide by the WPCargo plugin version 6.7.5 .

WPCargo has default barcode type of  “128” and size of “60”. To customize the default barcode type and size is very simple.

Note: The following barcode type available list are the following:

  • code128
  • code12a
  • code39
  • code25
  • codebar

Sample code to customize Barcode type and size in the theme functions.php file

    // Copy and paste this code in you theme function.php file</p><p>
    // In this sample code - change the barcode type into code25 and barcode size 120
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', function(){
	    global $wpcargo;
        $wpcargo->barcode_type = 'code25';
        $wpcargo->barcode_size = '120';
    }, 100);

Sample code to customize Barcode type and size in the plugin file

    // Change barcode type to 'code25'
    add_filter('wpcargo_barcode_type', function(){
        return 'code25';
    // Change barcode size to 120
    add_filter('wpcargo_barcode_size', function(){
        return 120;