How to edit homepage

In the admin dashboard, click the Pages in the sidebar menu, look for the Home page, and click the “Edit with Elementor” button.


a. How to update text content

Hover over the text section you want to update and click the edit icon. Update the input in the title section with your desired content.

Click the “Update” button to complete the action.


b. How to update button content

Hover over the button section you want to update and click the edit icon.

To update the text, navigate to the text input and change it with your desired text.

To update the link, navigate to the link input and change it with your desired link.

Click the “Update” button to complete the action.


c. How to update background image

Hover over the container section you want to update and click the navigator icon(6 dots).

Click the “Style” tab between the Layout and Advanced buttons in the sidebar.

Under the Background tab, Click the choose image.

Select the new desired background image to replace it with and click the “Select” button. Note: You can upload your background image if not yet uploaded by clicking the upload files.

Click the “Update” button to complete the action.


d. How to update team content

Hover over the team in the experience team section you want to update and click the edit icon.

To update the job title, navigate to the title input and change it with your desired job title.

To update the name, navigate to the description input and change it with your desired name.

To update the image, click the choose image.

Select the new desired image to replace with and click the “Select” button. Note: You can upload your image if not yet uploaded by clicking the upload files.

Click the “Update” button to complete the action.