How to enable package fields accepts decimal value and change input field type
Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php file:
Note: Please copy this code into your functions.php of your current active theme
add_filter( 'wpcargo_package_fields', 'wcp_custom_wpcargo_package_fields', 10, 1 ); function wcp_custom_wpcargo_package_fields( $package_fields ){ /* Change fields to text */ $package_fields['wpc-pm-qty']['field'] = 'text'; $package_fields['wpc-pm-piece-type']['field'] = 'text'; $package_fields['wpc-pm-description']['field'] = 'text'; $package_fields['wpc-pm-length']['field'] = 'text'; $package_fields['wpc-pm-width']['field'] = 'text'; $package_fields['wpc-pm-height']['field'] = 'text'; $package_fields['wpc-pm-weight']['field'] = 'text'; $package_fields['unit-price']['field'] = 'text'; //if you have added a custom column in the package section // $package_fields['custom_column']['field'] = 'text'; return $package_fields; } /****Note: Change the 'custom_column' into the metakey you used ****/
Adding more columns in the package section.
add_filter( 'wpcargo_package_fields', 'shipping_cost_package_fields_callback', 10, 1 ); function shipping_cost_package_fields_callback( $fields ){ $fields['unit-price'] = array( 'label' => __('Shipping Cost '.$currency, 'wpcargo-invoice'), 'field' => 'text', 'required' => '', 'options' => array() ); $fields['unit-amount'] = array( 'label' => __('Cost '.$currency, 'wpcargo-invoice'), 'field' => 'text', 'required' => '', 'options' => array() ); return $fields; }