How to enqueue your CSS Style and Script file in dashboard page

Note: Please copy and paste this code in functions.php of your current theme.

  // Include your script
  function custom_wpcfe_registered_scripts( $scripts ){
    // custom-scripts - is your enqueued script handle
    $scripts[] = 'custom-scripts';
    return $scripts;
  add_filter( 'wpcfe_registered_scripts', 'custom_wpcfe_registered_scripts', 99 );

  // Include your css style
  function custom_wpcfe_registered_styles( $styles ){
    // custom-styles - is your enqueued style handle
    $styles[] = 'custom-styles';
    return $styles;
  add_filter( 'wpcfe_registered_styles', 'custom_wpcfe_registered_styles', 99 );