How to filter the Print Options in shipment table

Note: Please copy and paste this code in functions.php of your current theme.

    function custom_wpcfe_print_options_callback( $print_options ){
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    * WPCargo Roles

    * wpcargo_client
    * wpcargo_pending_client
    * wpcargo_employee
    * cargo_agent

    // Remove Print Option in client role only
    if( in_array( "wpcargo_client", $current_user->roles ) ){
      // Remove Invoice Print
      unset( $print_options["invoice"] );
      // Remove Label Print
      unset( $print_options["label"] );
      // Remove Waybill Print
      unset( $print_options["waybill"] );
    return $status;
  add_filter( 'wpcfe_print_options', 'custom_wpcfe_print_options_callback' );