How to modify shipments?

Update Shipment

  1. Click “Shipments” from the sidebar menu in wp-admin.
  2. Click the shipment number you want to update from the list of shipments.
  3. Look for the field/s to be updated and do the changes
  4. Fill in Current status section fields.
    • Time – default is current time. If “Enable User Timezone” setting is enabled, time will be based on the current time zone of the user updating the shipment.
    • Current City – this is an update where the shipment is located. If an API key is entered on Map Settings, autocomplete address will appear.
    • Select Status – status of the shipment. Status options is based on the status added on General Settings.
    • Remarks – notes for the update.

Delete Shipment

  1. Click “Shipments” from the sidebar menu in wp-admin.
  2. Hover the shipment number to be removed from the list of shipments.
  3. Click “Trash” from the options below the shipment number.