How to override or customize WPCargo templates, Waybill , Label , Tracking Result and Package Details Template


This is applicable to all WPCargo add-ons. Through your cPanel or FTP:

If template is from wpcargo plugin this is the directory format: {child-theme}/wpcargo/{filename.tpl.php}

To find the original file directory always follow this. {plugins}/{plugin-folder}/templates/

1. Create a directory {child-theme}/wpcargo/{plugin-name}/{filename.tpl.php} in your current theme folder.

2. Copy the code from the original plugin template and paste it to the theme directory you have created.

3. You can now modify the modify the template for your changes.


Tracking Result

Note: In this example we are using the WPCargo Pro Theme

In wpcargo plugin overriding the Tracking Result template.

  1. To find the result-form.tpl.php go to wpcargo > templates > result-form.tpl.php
  1. Create this path in your current theme. wpcargo > result-form.tpl.php

Package Details

In Frontend Manager plugin overriding the Package Details template.

  1. To find the file go to wpcargo-frontend-manager > templates > multiple-package.tpl.php
  1. Create this path in your current theme. wpcargo > wpcargo-frontend-manager > multiple-package.tpl.php


In Frontend Manager plugin overriding the Label template.


  • Use the filename label-packages.php if multiple shipment is enabled
  • Use the filename label.php if multiple shipment is not enabled
  • Alway put .tpl before the .php when overriding of printable templates.
  1. To find the file go to wpcargo-frontend-manager > templates > print > label.php
  1. Create this path in your current theme. wpcargo >  label.tpl.php


In wpcargo plugin overriding the Waybill template.

  1. To find the the file go to wpcargo > admin > templates > admin-print-label.tpl.php

Note: If you have wpcargo-frontend-manager plugin installed. Please follow this path

  1. To find the file go to wpcargo-frontend-manager > templates > print > waybill.php

Note: the file should have .tpl before the php file extention.

  1. Create this path in your current theme. wpcargo > waybill.tpl.php