How to redirect logged in users to my desired page instead of the WPCargo Dashboard?

Copy and paste following codes on your child theme’s functions.php file. Change the page-slug into you custom login page’s slug.

WPCargo user roles:

  • administrator
  • wpcargo_employee
  • wpcargo_client
  • wpcargo_driver
  • cargo_agent
add_filter('login_redirect', 'custom_page');
function custom_page() {
	 * Redirect into specific page after specific user role successfuly logged in
	$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
	// Ddministrator
	if( in_array( 'administrator', $current_user->roles ) ){
		return home_url( '/custom-page-slug' );
	// WPCargo Client
	if( in_array( 'wpcargo_client', $current_user->roles ) ){
		return home_url( '/custom-page-slug' );