How to remove additional sections in Tracking Result

Note: please copy and paste this code in functions.php of your current theme.

	function custom_wpccf_additional_sections( $custom_sections ){
		// Get list of user roles
	    $user_roles = wpcfe_current_user_role();
	   	* WPCargo Roles
	    * wpcargo_client
	    * wpcargo_pending_client
	    * wpcargo_employee
	    * cargo_agent

	     * custom_section - it's a additional section added from custom feld manager
	     * Remove custom_section in Client Role
	    if( in_array( 'wpcargo_client', $user_roles ) ){
	    	unset( $custom_sections['custom_section'] );
	    return $custom_sections;
	add_filter( 'wpccf_additional_sections', 'custom_wpccf_additional_sections' );