How to Set up WPCargo Shipment Consolidation settings

Before setting up plugin settings, first create a product for the Registration FEE and Shipment Consolidation FEE. ( note: The product price of Shipment Consolidation FEE will be override by the system just set the product value into 1 ).

  • Select Product for Registration Payment – This product will be use in purchasing Registration. By default the woocommerce user role is Customer, after the order for the Registration is complete the user Role will be updated into “WPCargo Client” which has access in the consolidation dashboard page.
  • Select Product for Shipment Consolidation Payment –  This product will be use for the Consolidation payment. Note: The product price will be override based on the Shipment Consolidation FEE set up by the admin
  • Select Shipment Status to Ready for Consolidation – This will be the shipment status where be display in the Shipment table list ready for consolidation.
  • Select Shipment Status after Consolidation – This setting is for updating the shipment status after the Shipment has been consolidated.
  • Select Shipment Status after Order Submit is Completed –  This setting is for updating the shipment status after the Consolidation order has been completed.
  • Select Shipment Status to display in dashboard – This settings is to enable the Shipment status in the Shipment table navigation dashboard to view shipment by status.
  • Select Receiver field to display in search address – This settings is to choose which address book field will be display in Receiver Auto fill in creating a consolidation.
  •  Map Default Receiver – This field mapping will auto populate on the Ship To section in Create Order as default field data.
  • Map Woocommerce Shipper – This field mapping will auto populate Consolidation Shipper field after Checkout.
  • Warehouse Address – This address will the be the client warehouse address where the Client Shipment is stored. Note: Every time the User registration is complete it will generate a unique “Consolidation Code” which will serve as User warehouse unique ID.
  • Registration Message – This settings will override the plugin default message after the registration checkout.