How to setup Multiple Shipment Tracking page

Note: wpcargo_multi_track is a shortcode that will display the multiple shipment tracking form.

  1. Go to WPCargo > General Settings > Track Page Settings >
  2. Create a page add title (ex.Track Your Shipment), add the shortcode [ wpcargo_multi_track ] in the content, and click publish.  Skip 3 and 4 if you need to reload the result on the same page.
  3.  If you want to load the result on a different page you need to create a new page, add the title  (ex. Tracking Result), add the shortcode [ wpcargo_multi_track_result ], and add publish.
  4. Get the page id of the  Tracking result page and update your tracking form page shortcode to  [ wpcargo_multi_track  id=” add the page id here “].

Now your page will look like this.