How to setup WPCargo Shipment Consolidation Shortcodes

This plugin consist of the following shortcodes

  • [wpcshcon_dashboard]
  • [wpcshcon_consolidate_shipments]
  • [wpcshcon_address_book]


This shortcode will display the users dashboard. It consist of 3 parameters

  • order – This parameter accepts page ID. Accepts the page ID of the page where the user can consolidate shipment or where the “wpcshcon_consolidate_shipments” shortcode is added.
  • book – This parameter accept page ID.  Accepts the page ID of the user Address Book page or where the “wpcshcon_address_book” shortcode is added
  • wooorder – This parameter accept the Woocommerce My Account page ID or where the “woocommerce_my_account” shortcode is added.


This shortcode will display the form where the user can create consolidation. It consist of 1 parameter

  • dashboard – This parameter accepts the page ID on the consolidation dashboard or where the “wpcshcon_dashboard” shortcode is added.


This shortcode will display the user address book where the user can add receiver addresses for the Create consolidation receiver auto fill. It consist of 1 paramter.

  • dashboard – This parameter accepts the page ID on the consolidation dashboard or where the “wpcshcon_dashboard” shortcode is added.