How to troubleshoots your OneWaySMS account if not sending SMS to your mobile

Here’s how to  troubleshoots your OneWaysSMS  account if not sending  SMS.

    1. Login to your account
    2. Go to  your Account -> API
    3. Copy the Look for MT URL, API USERNAME , PASSWORD and Sender ID

    4. Copy the MT URL, API USERNAME , PASSWORD and Sender ID to form like the below:
    5. Add the link  to your browser  and there should have a return value  of a series of numbers like in below
    6. Check your  Account Report
    7. If the result is Success not  Sent/Processing you might have the wrong settings in your WPCARGO SMS  Addons, please check our tutorial on how to setup here. Otherwise you need to call onewaySMS to whitelist your domain.