How To Use Custom Field Conditional Logic & Calculations Feature

Conditional Logics

  1. On the image below, we are about to create a new conditional field that will show if Receiver Name is “John” and will hide otherwise.
  2. Sample image below, the conditional field appeared after entering “John” on the Receiver Name. NOTE: The values are case sensitive so entering “john” will not show the Conditional Field.
  3. Now, we will try using multiple conditions and this is where the “ANY” and “ALL” joins the conditional logic statements. Sample below shows that the field should show if Receiver Name is “John” OR Receiver Address is “Egypt”. Just remember, ANY is similar to OR whereas ALL is similar to AND.



  1. Create 3 fields for Num1, Num2, and Total. As you can see on the Total field, we added a calculation formula wherein we multiply Num1 value with Num2 value. Moreover, you can see that we set the currency for the total field. If the field has a selected currency, it will prepend on the field when displayed on the Add/Update Shipments page section