How to Import using WPCargo Import and Export Add-ons through wp-admin


Please follow these steps on importing shipment history on excel file.

  1. Go to Shipment > Import/Export Shipment then click Import Shipment.
  2. Choose a .csv file to import.

    • If you don’t have an existing .csv file you can download the .csv file on the import option just follow the instructions on how to Import Shipments.
    • You can add the data on each cell on the .csv file.
    • If you want to update options with multiple selected data, use Vertical bar “|”. (ie. option 1 | option 2 | option 3)
    • You can also Delete the columns that you don’t need.3. Import the file by clicking the Choose file.
  3. Click on the Import CSV to import you data.
  4. To check if your you have successfully imported the csv file, view your lists of shipments.