Why other plugin’s functionality and layout does not work in dashboard?

Frontend Manager dequeues all the scripts and styles from plugins and theme and only includes its own scripts and styles. This is to avoid conflict for scripts’ functionality and to override the styles from the theme’s setup. This also reduces the page load since only few style and script files are loaded. If you want to add a plugin functionality in your frontend dashboard, please copy the following code on your child theme’s functions.php file. Take note that you have to know what is the name of the script and style from the plugin. You can check it here to identify the name of your script. The name of script or style should be the value you will be replacing in name-of-style or name-of-script

//Add registered scripts
add_filter( 'wpcfe_registered_scripts', 'additional_scripts' );
function additional_scripts( $scripts ){
	$scripts[] = 'name-of-script';
	return $scripts;

//Add registered styles
add_filter( 'wpcfe_registered_styles', 'additional_styles' );
function additional_styles( $styles ){
	$styles[] = 'name-of-style';
	return $styles;