
“wpcargo_after_package_totals” action hook is use to add additional data for the track result after the package weight and volume information section.

Copy and paste this sample code in the theme functions.php file.

function my_custom_after_package_totals( $shipment ){
    <section class="wpcargo-col-md-12" style="text-align:center; margin: 26px;">
        <h3 class="section-title wpccf_section_header">Disclaimer</h3>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a, pede.
add_action( 'wpcargo_after_package_totals', 'my_custom_after_package_totals' );
