“wpcargo_shipment_history_data” action hook is used to add addition table column for the shipment history.
Note:This action hook needs also “wpcargo_shipment_history_header” for the table header label;
This is a sample hook code to add action column for the shipment history, copy and paste this code to the theme functions.php file
function my_custom_shipment_history_header( $shipment ){ ?> <th>Action</th> <?php } add_action( 'wpcargo_shipment_history_header', 'my_custom_shipment_history_header' ); function my_custom_shipment_history_data( $shipment ){ ?> <td><button class="btn-primary btn-sm" >Delete</button></td> <?php } add_action( 'wpcargo_shipment_history_data', 'my_custom_shipment_history_data' );