This action hook is to add additional fields or data under the shipment “Remarks” in the wp-admin. This is useful for adding new additional data for Shipment.
This is a sample hook code to add Carrier Options for the Shipment, copy and paste this code to the theme functions.php file
function my_misc_custom_field( $post ){ // Get Save post meta "_carrier" $carrier = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_carrier', true ); ?> <p> <label for="_carrier">Carrie</label> <select id="_carrier" class="_carrier" name="_carrier" style="width:100%"> <option value="">-- Select Carrier --</option> <option value="UPS Inc." <?php selected( $carrier, 'UPS Inc.' ); ?>>UPS Inc.</option> <option value="FedEx Corp." <?php selected( $carrier, 'FedEx Corp.' ); ?>>FedEx Corp.</option> <option value="XPO Logistics" <?php selected( $carrier, 'XPO Logistics' ); ?>>XPO Logistics</option> </select> </p> <?php } add_action('wpcargo_shipment_misc_actions_form', 'my_misc_custom_field');