
“wpcfe_before_invoice_content” action hook allow to add additional information on the print invoice template.

Note: This action hook is only available in the Frontend Manager addon plugin. To add the additional information after the invoice template use the “wpcfe_end_invoice_section”.

Copy and paste the following code in the theme functions.php file.

function my_custom_data(){
    <div class="my-4">
        <h2>Additional Information</h2>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a, pede.</p>
        <p>Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aliquam porttitor mauris sit amet orci. Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis.</p>
add_action('wpcfe_before_invoice_content', 'my_custom_data');